Pursuant to Minnesota Administrative Rule 4658.0805, PERSONS PROVIDING SERVICES, all persons providing services, including volunteers, with a communicable disease as listed in part 4605.7040
Minnesota Nursing Home Infection Control
Pursuant to Minnesota Administrative Rule 4658.0800, INFECTION CONTROL, Subpart 1. infection control program. A nursing home must establish and maintain an infection control program designed to provide a safe and sanitary environment.
Dental Health Standards for Minnesota Nursing Homes
Pursuant to Minnesota Administrative Rule 4658.0720, PROVIDING DAILY ORAL CARE,Subpart 1, daily oral care plan. A nursing home must establish a daily oral dental health care plan for each resident consistent with the results of the comprehensive resident assessment.
Orientation of Nursing Home Employees in Minnesota
Required Nursing Home Employee Orientation Pursuant to Minnesota Administrative Rule 4658.0100 EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION AND IN-SERVICE EDUCATION, Subpart 1. Orientation and initial training. All personnel must be instructed in the requirements of the law and the rules pertaining to their respective
Dental Services Requirements for Nursing Homes
The facility must assist residents in obtaining routine and 24-hour emergency dental care.