Nursing Home Admission Transfer and Discharge Rights
Nursing Home Admission Transfer and Discharge Rights

Nursing Home Admission Transfer and Discharge Rights

Pursuant to federal regulation 42 CFR § 483.15(b) Admission, transfer, and discharge rights.

(b) Equal access to quality care. (1) A facility must establish, maintain and implement identical policies and practices regarding transfer and discharge, as defined in §483.5 and the provision of services for all individuals regardless of source of payment, consistent with §483.10(a)(2);

Additional Admission and Discharge Rights

(2) The facility may charge any amount for services furnished to non-Medicaid residents unless otherwise limited by state law and consistent with the notice requirement in §483.10(g)(3) and (g)(4)(i) describing the charges; and
(3) The State is not required to offer additional services on behalf of a resident other than services provided in the State plan.

Injuries in Care Facilities

Abuse and neglect of the elderly and vulnerable in nursing homes and other facilities occurs in many forms. Kenneth LaBore is a top-rated attorney who has over twenty-five years of experience with dealing with the complex legal and medical issues often present in nursing home and abuse cases and can assist your loved ones with holding the wrongdoers accountable.

Please contact elder abuse and neglect Attorney Kenneth LaBore with any questions you may have about nursing home admission or discharge rights or concerns about elder abuse or neglect at 612-743-9048.

Transfer and Discharge Rights for Nursing Home Residents
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