Minnesota Home Care Staff Orientation Regulations
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 144A.4796, STAFF ORIENTATION AND ANNUAL TRAINING REQUIREMENTS, Subdivision 1., orientation of staff and supervisors to home care, all staff providing and supervising direct home care services must complete an orientation to home care licensing requirements and regulations before providing home care services to clients. The orientation may be incorporated into the training required under subdivision 6. The orientation need only be completed once for each staff person and is not transferable to another home care provider.
Subd. 2. Content. The orientation must contain the following topics:
(1) an overview of sections 144A.43 to 144A.4798;
(2) introduction and review of all the provider’s policies and procedures related to the provision of home care services;
(3) handling of emergencies and use of emergency services;
(4) compliance with and reporting of the maltreatment of minors or vulnerable adults under sections 626.556 and 626.557;
(5) home care bill of rights under section 144A.44;
(6) handling of clients’ complaints, reporting of complaints, and where to report complaints including information on the Office of Health Facility Complaints and the Common Entry Point;
(7) consumer advocacy services of the Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care, Office of Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, Managed Care Ombudsman at the Department of Human Services, county managed care advocates, or other relevant advocacy services; and
(8) review of the types of home care services the employee will be providing and the provider’s scope of licensure.
Subd. 3. Verification and documentation of orientation. Each home care provider shall retain evidence in the employee record of each staff person having completed the orientation required by this section.
Subd. 4. Orientation to client. Staff providing home care services must be oriented specifically to each individual client and the services to be provided. This orientation may be provided in person, orally, in writing, or electronically.
Subd. 5. Training required relating to Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. For home care providers that provide services for persons with Alzheimer’s or related disorders, all direct care staff and supervisors working with those clients must receive training that includes a current explanation of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, effective approaches to use to problem-solve when working with a client’s challenging behaviors, and how to communicate with clients who have Alzheimer’s or related disorders.
Subd. 6. Required annual training. All staff that perform direct home care services must complete at least eight hours of annual training for each 12 months of employment. The training may be obtained from the home care provider or another source and must include topics relevant to the provision of home care services. The annual training must include:
(1) training on reporting of maltreatment of minors under section 626.556 and maltreatment of vulnerable adults under section 626.557, whichever is applicable to the services provided;
(2) review of the home care bill of rights in section 144A.44;
(3) review of infection control techniques used in the home and implementation of infection control standards including a review of hand-washing techniques; the need for and use of protective gloves, gowns, and masks; appropriate disposal of contaminated materials and equipment, such as dressings, needles, syringes, and razor blades; disinfecting reusable equipment; disinfecting environmental surfaces; and reporting of communicable diseases; and
(4) review of the provider’s policies and procedures relating to the provision of home care services and how to implement those policies and procedures.
Subd. 7. Documentation. A home care provider must retain documentation in the employee records of the staff who have satisfied the orientation and training requirements of this section.
Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Attorney Kenneth LaBore has decades of experience and handles the following types of elder abuse claims and others:
Patient Lift Injuries and Other Improper Use of Medical Equipment
For a Free Consultation to obtain information on how to hold negligent wrongdoers accountable from an experienced attorney contact Minneapolis Elder Abuse Neglect Attorney Kenneth LaBore at 612-743-9048 or Toll Free at 1-888-452-6589, email: KLaBore@MNnursinghomeneglect.com