Regulations for Prescription Medication for Home Care Providers Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 144A.4792, Subd. 11., prescribed and nonprescribed medication, the comprehensive home care provider must determine whether the comprehensive home care provider shall require a prescription for all medications the
Medication Administration for Home Health Care Providers
Minnesota Requirements for Documentation of Medication Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 144A.4792 MEDICATION MANAGEMENT, Subd. 8., documentation of administration of medication, each medication administered by comprehensive home care provider staff must be documented in the client’s record. The documentation must include
Home Health Care Medication Administration Standards
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 144A.43, Subd. 10., medication. “medication” means a prescription or over-the-counter drug. For purposes of this chapter only, medication includes dietary supplements.
Nursing Home Monitor to Protect Residents
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 144A.155, PLACEMENT OF MONITOR, Subdivision 1., authority, the commissioner may place a person to act as a monitor in a nursing home or certified boarding care home in any of the circumstances listed in clause (1) or (2):
Minnesota Has Alternative Survey System for Nursing Homes
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 144A.37, ALTERNATIVE NURSING HOME SURVEY PROCESS, Subdivision 1, alternative nursing home survey schedules. (a) The commissioner of health shall implement alternative procedures for the nursing home survey process as authorized under this section.